Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What to Eat While Pregnant

Having trouble understanding the do's and don'ts of food during pregnancy? 

This program offers everything you need to know about what to eat during pregnancy.
Everything is made clear for you.

A complete nutrition and exercise program for before, during, and after pregnancy. 

Give your baby the proper nutrition while keeping yourself healthy! 

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What to Eat for a Healthy Pregnancy

Okay, you’re pregnant! Congratulations! Hmmm. What to eat? How much can I eat? How much should I eat? Am I eating for two? What are the good foods for my baby?

All right, for the bad news: you are not technically eating for two—meaning, you don’t get to eat two meals for every one meal you normally eat. I know, it’s really sad. Depending on your weight and age, you only need to take in a few hundred more calories per day. It’s best not to over eat during pregnancy for your health as well as the baby’s. However, I do recommend settling your cravings sometimes. Get what you need. Sometimes—eat what you want. You need to have a splurge every now and then. Don’t get too worked up in “what to eat” while pregnant, because you are more likely to have higher levels of stress, and that’s just not good.

Whatever you are eating, your baby eats as well. Babies can even taste the flavors of the foods you eat from within the womb! It is amazing. It is also a lot of pressure for you to eat healthy foods. So, what’s good?

Eat beans, low-fat yogurt, salmon, whole grains, lean meats, fruits and vegetables, eggs, nuts, asparagus, fortified cereal, spinach, oranges, milk (pasteurized only), cheese. Lots of fish contain harmful amounts of mercury. Salmon has the least amount, therefore is safer for you and the baby. This short list contains lots of folic acid and calcium—two VERY important vitamins you need for a healthy pregnancy. Even your prenatal vitamins will be chock full of folic acid and calcium. Calcium promotes strong bones and teeth for you and your baby. Folic acid helps to prevent neural tube birth defects. Folic acid is even important before conceiving. It helps to be taking the right amount of folic acid daily (800 micrograms) before even trying to conceive. Three to six months before conception will give the best results. You will need 1,000 micrograms of folic acid during pregnancy.

Avoid Alcohol
Limit or avoid caffeine
Avoid junk food
Avoid fish—but salmon is safer choice

Foods to stay away from during pregnancy:
-Unpasteurized milk or juice
-Soft cheeses like feta and Brie
-Unheated deli meats and hot dogs
-Refrigerated, smoked seafood
-Undercooked poultry, meat, or seafood

So, I guess you COULD say that you are eating for two now, but you don’t need twice the calories. You are eating for two in the sense that you are providing nutrients for your growing baby. A new life. Start out right. You’ve already done a great job because you are researching how to eat healthy while pregnant. Good for you! Health and happiness to you!